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Purple71 commented on nora47's wall
152 months ago

Purple71 hey nora! There are no full vids posted (the one full vid I posted a long time ago is a regular re-post around the web- so i only do short clips now) There are longer vids at homemadeporn.com (user FW4U2C) but don't know how well you would like them- they all have terrible soundtracks (1- because the sound quality on the vids is terrible 2- keeps them from being re-posted) :) Feel free to check them out- more pics there as well :) cheers!

Purple71 commented on cooldrogon's wall
153 months ago

Purple71 Thanks for the vote and comment CD- feel free to send a friend request to me at homemadeporn.com- user FW4U2C for more :)

Purple71 commented on video
157 months ago
Still in her pajamas and ready for cum
Duration: 00:34     Views: 16506     Added: 162 months ago

Comments: 15     Favored: 11     Likes: 15

Purple71 re:same girl from the pics? hot!! yup- don't know why they tagged me with BBW and Chubby :) maybe the POV?

Purple71 commented on freddyfingers's wall
158 months ago

Purple71 more coming when i get my pc back :) thanks!

Purple71 commented on video
163 months ago
Sexy wife in fishnet takes cum and fucks again
Duration: 17:38     Views: 23715     Added: 184 months ago

Comments: 4     Favored: 33     Likes: 20